Sunday 9 September 2012

It's been a busy summer...

It's been a very busy summer... the third book in the Bradley Baker adventures was finished during the holiday period and will be released in paperback 29th September. I'm really excited about the launch of the third book, which completes the Pathylon Trilogy about the new boy hero.

Pre-orders for Bradley Baker and the Pyramids of Blood are continuing to increase and the initial planned print run looks like selling out before the books even hit the high street stores. Online sales through are also increasing as the launch date for book three approaches, which is great news because this is having a knock-on effect for sales of the first two books too!

Signed copies available from "Bradley's Shop" on the website;

The addition of the third book couldn't have come at a better time, with lots of school events being booked into the diary for September, October and November... and I'm really looking forward to continuing where I left off before the summer break.

A new vehicle will be taking me on my travels throughout Devon and Somerset leading up to Christmas. I hope all the children and teachers enjoy seeing the new #Bradmobile arrive at their schools!

Thats all for now folks... more regular blog updates to follow over the next few weeks.
Thanks for checking in this time... Regards DLJ

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