Sunday 25 November 2012

Breaking records in Torbay... during four fantastic school visits!

Another busy few weeks has been spent visiting even more fantastic primary schools in and around Torbay... it's been really great to spend so much time closer to home lately! Especially with my latest publication being in such huge demand locally... it's been a pleasure introducing "Bradley Baker and the Pyramids of Blood" to a new legion of enthused fans in Devon.

A rapturous welcome awaited me from lots of excited children at Brixham C of E Primary. My return visit followed a very successful author presentation at the school before the summer break and I was delighted to introduce the third Bradley Baker adventure to the enthused students, who snapped the new book up during another popular signing event. I also had the opportunity to work with the year 6 children and we enjoyed an interactive character development workshop in the classroom. A big thank you to the students teacher Jason Keenan for inviting me into his class to work with the children.

Below are just a few pictures taken of the posters produced and displayed by the children at Brixham... it was such a humbling experience to see these covering the doors and windows when I arrived at the school. Brilliant stuff!!!

Two more very successful presentations were held at Cockington Community Primary and St. Margaret's Academy in Torquay this week. Big thank you to literacy co-ordinators Sharon Carter and Catherine Wooldridge for inviting me to their schools. Again many enthused students were inspired by the Bradley Baker book presentations at both schools, with the events being showcased in the respective school halls. Signing sessions followed at each event and both produced record amounts of books sold at a single school event during this current academic year.
This week was topped with a visit to Kings Ash Academy in Paignton. Emma Prince arranged for me to present to the whole school and another 400 students were inspired by the Bradley Baker showcase. There were lots of volunteers from the audience, who took part in the show and unbeknown to me I actually picked three children from the same family to play some of the book's characters in the show... Bizzare!!!
Finally found some time between school visits to work on the plotlines and characters for the fourth book in the Bradley Baker series. I'm really excited about this latest adventure and can't wait to start writing the manuscript!
That's all for now, catch up soon with more updates about the new book and details of events before Christmas.... I've also got some exciting news to share about a literary project in Totnes during early 2013, so watch this space!
Regards DLJ 

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