Friday 15 February 2013

The word is out...

News of Bradley Baker is spreading like a wild fire throughout Devon... thousands of school chidren have enjoyed showcase presentations in many remote rural locations throughout East and West Devon. In particular... two schools near Winkleigh were so grateful that I had battled through the wind and rain to venture deep into the countryside to introduce my boy hero to audiences that rarely get the opportunity to meet anyone, never mind a real life author!

Dolton and Clinton are two primary schools that affiliate together within the Tarca Federation and are located in the North West of Devon where fields full of sheep and horses make up a patchwork of wonderful countryside. The #Bradmobile arrived fully laiden with props to provide two memorable events for around 80 or so children and I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Executive Headteacher for both schools Gina Finch, who welcomed me and the Bradley Baker books with open arms. All the students were extremely enthused and totally inspired... some even wrote their own stories overnight in readiness for my return the following day.

I left West Devon behind and headed East towards the City of Exeter for two more fantastic events. This time it was the turn of Woodwater Academy and St David's C of E Primary School to host my interactive showcase presentations. No one was left disappointed and the shows went down a treat with record book sales following both events. The kids just can't seem to get enough of Bradley and it's so humbling to see so many children's eyes light up when they receive their signed copies.

Between the larger events... during the past few weeks I've also kept myself busy working in the classroom environment leading various creative workshops. Year 6 students from Brixham C of E Primary and Galmpton Primary have enjoyed learning about the process of publishing their own stories and creating characters to appear in the books. It's been great fun to work with such appreciative children and I'm looking forward to seeing the finished books when they go to print.

Gifted and Talented students in the Totnes Learning Community also gathered again for their second character profile workshop at KEVICC in the school library. Just one more workshop to go until we discover who will win the competition to have their character appear in my next adventure book; Bradley Baker and the Gullfather of New York.

As much as I enjoy visiting schools, I'm really looking forward to a well earned break from events during half term... and it will afford me some time to write more words for the fourth Bradley Baker adventure! Then it's back to school visits the following week... so there's plenty going on to keep me busy!

More updates to follow... catch up with you all very soon.

Best wishes DLJ

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