Sunday 24 June 2012

Week Ending 24th June 2012 - Torbay Literacy project steaming ahead!

As stated in last weeks post, I planned to return to White Rock on Monday and did so to a rapturous welcome from the teachers and students to sign more books for those children that were unable to attend last weeks presentation. During the visit I took the opportunity to meet some more of the younger students and spent some time with the KS1 children in classes 1 & 3.

I also revisited Brixham on the same day to see all the wonderful Bradley Baker pictures painted by the children in year 5. As promised, here is a photo opportunity taken during my visit.

The Bradley Baker literacy project in Torbay is going really well and I also presented to more school children this week. On Tuesday I met the teachers and students at Shiphay Learning Academy and special thanks to Emma Gorman for arranging the visit. On Thursday I paid a special visit to Ellacombe Academy in Torquay to meet with yrs 4, 5 & 6 to present my Bradley Baker adventures and also carry out a workshop with yr 6. Here are a few pictures from the Shiphay event...

The students celebrated the Diamond Jubilee in "red, white and blue" attire and queued patiently to have their Bradley Baker books signed. More events to report on next week when the last few schools take part in the Torbay literacy project... until then thanks for checking in to this weeks blogspot.
Best wishes

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