Sunday 1 July 2012

Week Ending 1st July 2012 - Thank you letters

Another great week working with school children and their teachers in Torbay. I attended Ellacombe C of E Primary School on Friday to support their literacy exhibition. It was fabulous to see all the year 6 Bradley Baker work posted on the wall and a lovely surprise to receive a thank you card and a bottle of wine from the head teacher.

Here is a photo showing the children's fantastic written work;

A humbling experience also presented itself this week... a brown A4 envelope landed on my doorstep! Inside were 11 letters from children thanking me for attending their school last week. The pupils of Brixham C of E Primary had taken time to write to me to thank me for inspiring them to read my books... the best testimonial a writer can get!

Here are the letters;

I also visited Sherwell Valley Primary for a book signing event following a presentation to the KS2 students last week. I'd like to convey a big thank you to Alex Briddon, Tyler Ledger and Lawson Higgins for helping me on the day.

A couple of workshops completed this weeks school activities with children at Torre Primary learning how to construct a chapter for a competition I am running throughout Torbay. Really looking forward to receiving the shortlisted entries by the end of next week. Winners from each competing school will receive Waterstones Gift Cards and the ultimate winner will have their work featured in Bradley Baker's third adventure... the Pyramids of Blood;

That's all for this week... catch up with you again next Sunday! Best wishes, DLJ

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