Sunday 8 July 2012

Week Ending 8th July 2012 - It's on its way?

This week seems to have passed by so quickly... and next Friday can't come along quick enough either! Not going to reveal on this particular blog entry what exactly will be arriving on that particular day but it certainly will put what most super-heroes get around in to shame! My new boy hero character "Bradley Baker" will certainly be catching some serious attention very soon indeed!

Anyhow, enough about that... let's concentrate on what has been happening over the past week in the world of Bradley Baker. I received a fantastic welcome from the teachers and children at Harbertonford C of E Primary School near Totnes on Friday. Everyone was really pleased to see a real life author presenting in their small village school, which boasts just 72 pupils. The place had a familiar feel to it and reminded me very much of my own boyhood primary school back in the 60's when I attended Braithwell Junior Infants in South Yorkshire. The children at Harbertonford listened intently about where the idea for my book series originated and we even re-enacted some scenes from the first few chapters of Bradley Baker and the Curse of Pathylon.

I received the first few competition entries this week from some of the schools I have been visiting over the past month. Should receive more winning school entries in the post tomorrow morning for the Bradley Baker Torbay Literacy Competition... then it's on with the judging over the next two weeks! It's been great working with so many school children in the Torbay area and I can't wait to read the students work. All winning entries will receive a Waterstones Gift Card with the overall winner will also have their work edited and some of the ideas will be included in my third adventure book... "Bradley Baker and the Pyramids of Blood"

More updates on the competition in next week's blogspot. And don't forget to look out for the "new arrival" by checking out the Bradley Baker facebook page

Catch you all next week. DLJ

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