Saturday 9 March 2013

World Book Week... what a blast!

What a blast!!! That has to be the busiest World Book Week I have experienced so far...

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the teaching staff at the six schools that hosted their fantastic events this week... and to over 3000 children that displayed a copious amount of excitement and enthusiasm during the Bradley Baker Showcase Events.

The week of activities began on Monday morning at Hazeldown Primary in Teignmouth, then onto St Sidwell's in Exeter in the afternoon. On Tuesday morning I visited the pupils and teachers at Chudleigh Community Primary and then returned to Hazeldown in the afternoon for a book signing event. I received a wonderful welcome from a group of 60 children at Stokeinteignhead Primary on Wednesday and then returned to Chudleigh for a record breaking book signing event in the school library.

The Bradley Baker roadshow continued at a rapid pace into World Book Day on Thursday when the Bradmobile arrived at Gatehouse Primary in Dawlish... it was an amazing reception and the hall was crammed packed full of children all dressed as their favourite book characters. I then called back at Stokeinteignhead before the final day of presentations.

It was a perfect finish to a perfect week, on Friday I attended Abbey School in Torquay and the children absolutely loved the Bradley Baker books. The local press were in attendance and took lots of pictures and I'm looking forward to returning to see all the students again on Monday.

Back to school next week (literally) and especially looking forward to Tuesday when I will be presenting awards at KEVICC to the Gifted & Talented students in the Totnes Learning Community. I will choosing a winner who will have their new character profiled in my next Bradley Baker adventure book "The Gullfather of New York", which will be published in the Summer.

If you get the chance, please check out the trailer for the new book... here's the link;

Best wishes for now and catch up again soon.

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