Sunday 12 May 2013

First visit to Plymouth a great success...

This week I attended a primary school in Plymouth and what a reception I received from over 250 enthusiastic KS2 pupils eager to learn all about my Bradley Baker adventures and my life as an author. My visit to Salisbury Road proved to be a great start to a tour of Plymouth schools, which will eventually take me across the city to meet thousands of students. I returned to Salisbury Road the following day to yet another rapturous welcome with hundreds of new Bradley fans queuing to buy their books and have them signed.

It was great to read about my recent visit to Cockwood Primary near Dawlish on the schools website... here's an extract and some pics; "The children enjoyed a wonderful session working with the author David Lawrence-Jones. David wowed the children with his tales and demonstrated how to write an exciting story."

I was then lucky enough to be given the honour of opening the new library. The school also celebrated the success of two of their children who have both read 1 million words on the accelerated reader programme. Big thank you to the head teacher Lorraine Curry, all the parents, governors and the Mayoress Pauline Bloomfield for attending this super event.


Midweek I returned to Galmpton Primary School in Brixham to help them complete the publication of a school book of short stories. The children in year 6 wrote about disasters, including monsters, creatures and even ninjas... here's a copy of the front cover, which is now available to buy online;

Next week sees the start of SATs for KS2 so I'm taking a short break from school visits to concentrate of writing a few words for the fourth Bradley adventure; The Gullfather of New York. The short break will also enable me to catch up on some planning for events over the next few months with two weekly tours already secured in Rotherham plus a week in Swindon and four weeks in Plymouth. I've also been invited to present in Kent after the summer break so looking forward to a busy schedule during the next academic year already.
I'll be picking up the baton again and visiting Queensway Primary in Torquay next Friday for a showcase presentation then I will return as guest of honour to the school's summer fete on Saturday... so I'll catch up with you all after and let you know how successful the events are!!! :) DLJ 

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