Saturday 6 July 2013

Turning over a new "Leif" in Rotherham!!!

Another brilliant week on tour... sharing my journey as an author and showcasing the Bradley Baker books to more excited primary school children. A return visit to Rotherham enabled me to visit four more schools.... two within the Clifton Partnership; East Dene and Coleridge. I also presented to students at High Greave and Whiston Worrygoose (it was great to meet up with one of my cousins, who works at the school and organised the event)!
One particular pupil really caught my attention at Coleridge School... here is Leif, who purchased all three copies of the Pathylon Trilogy and then asked to have his picture taken with me;

I also took the opportunity to call in to St Ann's Primary to meet my good friend Zoe Croot. Whilst chatting she mentioned an article that appeared in the Clifton Community News about my last visit to Rotherham... so I headed over to Clifton Community Arts School and met with Rachael Grice, who kindly supplied copies of the publication and here's a link to the news story

I returned to Devon on Thursday for an early night, as I had to be 'fit & ready' for my final event of the week on Friday in Exmouth. Brixington Primary School hosted my author visit with over 300 children in the audience. It was a very hot day but all the children sat brilliantly through the showcase and I'm really looking forward to returning on Monday for a very special signing event. Big thank you to Ben Humphries for an extremely well-organised visit.... much appreciated!
My recent visit to Whitchurch Primary in Tavistock also made the headlines... the event was featured on the front cover of the Times Gazette...
Thank you for reading this week's BlogSpot... hope you enjoyed it. I'll be working closer to home next week with more author visits in Devon, then I'll be heading to Wiltshire to visit four schools in Swindon the following week... so lot's to catch up on and share with you.

Best wishes for now, DLJ :)

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