Sunday 23 June 2013

Thousands of new Bradley Baker readers... and the fanbase is growing day by day!!!

This week was a week that turned a memorable corner in terms of the numbers of children joining the Bradley Baker fan-base. The queues at my signing events are growing event-by-event and recorded number of book sales has been breathtakingly fantastic. I have received so many lovely messages and met tens of thousands of children during my school visits during this very busy academic year.
The first three books in the series have been scooped up in their thousands from my signing table across the country and when you receive comments like the one below, it can't help but warm your insides to think that the fourth adventure will be just as (or even more) popular than the Pathylon trilogy;
 "Can I have details on 4th book release and signing I love the books I have the first 3 signed from Stowford school, but would love to have the 4th when out and have it signed also... and the books are amazing!" Lilli-Anne from Stowford.
I have been receiving hundreds of comments like this via my website contact page... so with this in mind I have been planning my writing schedule this week, which will see me confined to my writing shack throughout the summer break in order to complete "Bradley Baker and the Gullfather of New York"... I have to say I'm really enjoying the plotlines for this latest adventure and can't wait to finish it in time for the September release deadline.
Posters to promote the new book have been produced courtesy of the Exeter-based print company "Short Run Press"... and I attended my first school summer fete this week at St Michael's CE primary. The posters proved very popular indeed... especially with the boys!!
Another school visit proved very popular this week. I attended Whitchurch in Tavistock and the children really liked my showcase presentation. Here are some of the students with their heads in their new Bradley Baker books after the signing event.

I also met India, who asked if she could sing to me during my visit to Whitchurch. I of course jumped at the opportunity to listen to what turned out to be "the voice of an angel". Here she is with her year 5 teacher and me following a fantastic solo performance. I think we are looking at a future Leona Lewis in the making!!!

Another fabulous week for me and I thoroughly enjoyed my time at Stowford School in Ivybridge, Mount Street in Plymouth and Whitchurch School in Tavistock. Special thanks to Sue Williams and Jamie Green at Stowford..., Mary Jane Saunders at Mount Street and Nick Hoar at Whitchurch for preparing the children ready for my visits... all three events were a great success for everyone involved... especially the students, who were so enthused and hopefully totally inspired by my visits!!!
That's all for this week folks. Thanks for popping by to read my weekly blog and they'll be lots more to tell you about this time next week.
Best wishes, DLJ

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