Sunday, 15 September 2013

And then there were four...

Hello everyone.... it's been a while since my last blog post and it's great to be back on line to share some recent activity from my wonderful world of writing!!! It has been a very productive summer... I finished the fourth book and I'm looking forward to the UK release on 30th September. Signed "First Edition" copies are available from the website... here's a link if you'd like to order your copy before the official release date;

And then there were four!!!!

Interest in the new book has been very positive and has resulted in a date being set for the US launch. I'm looking forward to attending New York Public Library in New York 16th December.

The new academic year in the UK started this week and I have resumed my popular author visits to primary schools. Demand for my interactive showcase presentations is overwhelming and I already have a diary full of events leading up to Christmas. If you would like to organise an author visit to your school, please get in touch as I a few slots to fill. I stayed local for my first two schools with a visit to Pennycross (pictured) and then onto St Paul's RC in Plymouth. The reception from both schools was fantastic and I'd particularly like to convey special thanks to Sarah Pope at St Paul's for organising an absolutely brilliant event.

I will be travelling further afield to other counties within the UK over the coming weeks, with tours planned for Kent and South Yorkshire. These will be followed by more events in Devon and Gloucestershire.

The plot lines for the new book include some carefully researched adoption issues that affect the boy hero and I'd like to that the senior management team at FFC for their kind support. In turn I am very pleased to continue my support for Families for Children throughout 2013/2014.  I'm also looking forward to advocating my new role for the charity and an official announcement will be made over the new few weeks.
My world is full of fantastic stuff and there's lots going on behind the scenes. I'm looking forward to sharing my incredible journey with you over the coming months. It's good to be back!!!!
All the very best for now and thanks for reading my latest BlogSpot, DLJ :)

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